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16 fl oz Pink Body Glue, Lasts 3- 10 Days

Original price $295.00 - Original price $295.00
Original price
$295.00 - $295.00
Current price $295.00
Creates 2500-3500 tattoos. This product comes in a plastic bottle. It can then be transferred into any container that you may prefer to use for your glue. Note: The bottle should be closed tightly. This product was created to be quick drying. The glue has a pink tint. It will turn transparent when dry shortly after applying. Once the glue has turned transparent is the best time to apply the glitter.

This product will become damaged if exposed to freezing temperatures. Please don't leave in your car during the winter months. Approx 3 years shelf life if the bottle is sealed tight and kept at room temperature.

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