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ProSHIELD Nipple Covers

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Original price $23.00 - Original price $23.00
Original price
$23.00 - $23.00
Current price $23.00
The original breast shield designed for body painters. The Patent Pending, smoothe lifelike surface is easy to apply, paint, remove and clean for reuse. ProSHIELDs are sold in pairs (naturally). Includes acrylic glue (latexfree) adhesive and application instructions.

Comfortable, Latex free, Paintable, Reuseable, Hand Made in the USA.

To Apply:
  1. Clean breast area where ProSHIELf is to be applied.
  2. Turn gloss side out and facing up.
  3. Paint the outher1/4' to 1/2' edge of the ProSHIELD with acrylic glue adhesive
  4. Allow adhesive to completely dry and become transparent
  5. Center ProSHIELD on breast and then gently press down

To Remove: Gently peel back from the edge and slowly remove.

Cleaning: Remove excess adhesive from breast and ProSHIELD with 91% rubbing alcohol.
Wash ProSHIELD in warm soapy water to remove paint for reuse.
If staining occurs, clean with 91% rubbing alcohol and 'Mr. Clean Magic Eraser'

Note: Discoloration may occur if ProSHIELDS are left in direct sunlight.

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